In August, I had the pleasure of moderating a series of three webinars. I finally have the videos edited and online.
In light of the current events regarding Covid-19 closures, financial strain on arts workers, racism, and harassments, Rocky Mountain Artists’ Safety Alliance, Colorado Theatre Guild, Phamaly Theatre Company, IDEA Stages, and the Stage Managers’ Association hosted SAFER IN THEATRE LISTENING SESSIONS. These were moderated discussions on a variety of topics regarding safety that are directly affecting the theatre community throughout the U.S.. Topics addressed dealt with safety during Covid-19, safety for BIPOC folks, and safety regarding sexual harassment.

Here are embedded videos of the Safer In Theatre Listening Sessions
Session 1, Colorado Theatre Standards
Rocky Mountain Artists’ Safety Alliance presents the Colorado Theatre Standards, a collection of best practices for theatres artists. Know better, do better. Hosted by the Rocky Mountain Artists’ Safety Alliance and the Stage Managers’ Association. Recorded August 15, 2020.
Session 2, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Discussions by IDEA Stages founder, Lisa Young, launch our conversation about improving Colorado Theatre culture. Recorded August 15, 2020.
Session 3, Colorado Theatre and COVID19
Colorado Theatre Guild and Phamaly Theatre lead conversations about how we can continue creating while keeping artists & audiences safe. Hosted by the Rocky Mountain Artists’ Safety Alliance and the Stage Managers’ Association. Recorded August 16, 2020.
Colorado Standards for Theatre Living Document: Focusing on Stage Managers
Additionally, in July I held a discussion just for stage managers regarding the Colorado Theatre Standards. Here is that video.